StageBuzz Blog

Geeta Chandran to Perform at IHC

rajivchan@gmail.comIHC/ has invited Dancer Geeta Chandran and her Natya Vriksha Dance Company to present ANEKANTA at the Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The key leitmotif of Chandran’s ANEKANTA is that there are multiple...

Neeraj Gupta Wins Silver in Florence Biennale

Sculptor Neeraj  Gupta became the first Indian artist to get the  Lorenzo il Magnifico SILVER  medal in sculpture in XIth Florence Biennale,  the second highest award of  an important art event of Europe.  The award is significant because it comes...

Malika Ahluwalia ‘ARTiculate2’

Malika Ahluwalia is showcasing her works for the third time. She is a young artist based in Delhi, who has studied art under her mother Illoosh Judge Ahluwalia, a renowned artist. The two artists...

Nostalgia Street

by Manohar Khushalani Having been associated with Street Theatre from late seventies my memories of Jan Natya Manch are equally old. It was way back in 1977 that I first met Safdar Hashmi. Our...

Meeting With Master

by Vanisha Uppal In the year 2010 I had an intense inner desire to read Bhagavad Gita. After reading it a couple of times, I realised that somehow, somewhere I was missing the point,...

Bharat Rang Mahotsav’16

Synopsis of six plays performed at Bharat Rang Mahotsav’16 The Mother of a Traitor It was performed in Dollu Kunitha Form. It is one of the popular folk forms of Karnataka. It is generally...

Raja Bundela – From Reel Life to Real Life

Raja Bundela – From Reel Life to Real Life –Manohar Khushalani The Indian democracy is replete with examples of film actors and actresses making it big in politics. Shatrughan Sinha, Vinod Khanna, Rajesh Khanna,...