Author: Archana Hebbar Colquhoun
Images, information, and narratives from memory, of the lectures delivered by Gulammohammed Sheikh for our art history courses in Baroda form into a display of artworks at the exhibition Kaarwaan and Other Works
I missed seeing Vivan’s stupendously varied body of work as it was developing and the startling constructions he made and exhibited over the decades, since I moved to Tokyo in the late 1980s.
An important lesson I learnt from doing this show was that when an idea starts to take the shape of an object a dynamic external entity may completely hijack your carefully planned art work.
Shalini Patel’s drawings, some in pencil and others in charcoal were done during lockdown. Nowhere to go, nothing much to do outside with friends, acquaintances or passers-by; she had all the time on her...
The trajectory of my art practice takes on a zigzag path sometimes; and at other times a circuitous one or a U-turn that I didn’t expect to take. The work “The General” is one...
The sculpture shown below is a faithful depiction of the person I passed by in the street in as far as the main feature of “a man walking backwards” (seen from the point of view of the feet) is concerned. But there are other metaphorical features to the form of the body, all of which are hidden at the back, which are revealed when the viewer goes around the sculpture to inspect the feet.
The trajectory of my art practice takes on a zigzag path sometimes; and at other times a circuitous one or a U-turn that I didn’t expect to take.
Using an integrated art
methodology to study works of Madan Lal Gupta… conversation with Archana Hebbar Colquhoun
The Bhagawad Gita (15.1) Lord Krishna describes the divine Ashvattha tree, as that whose roots grow upwards and the branches of which extend downwards; its leaves are the sacred knowledge of the Vedas; the...
Installation Art I would like to quote from the Tate glossary of art terms a definition of Installation Art. “Mixed-media constructions or assemblages usually designed for a specific place and for a temporary period...