Tagged: Keval Arora


Small is Beautiful / Keval Arora

    When listening to people speak of how difficult it is today for theatre groups to survive, and therefore of the feasibility of theatre itself, I find it difficult to share the general...

Keval Arora’s Kolumn

  Come admission time in Delhi University, a strange ritual involving drama is enacted every June and July in several colleges. This ritual concerns admissions where the minimum marks required for entry into various...

Who’s afraid of the documentary film / Keval Arora

    Remember the cynical manoeuvring by which the Film Federation of India had, some years ago, denied entry to video documentaries in their festival? And how this had brought home the threat that...

Curtain Call / Keval Arora

    For most of us, the curtain call is a ritual that marks the close of a performance. As a ritual it cuts both ways. It’s gratifying when we’ve enjoyed the show and...

Presence Perfect / Keval Arora

    1. Barry john as Iago in ‘Othello’                2. Naseeruddin Shah in ‘Prophet’ Mulling over oddities that years of familiarity have lulled us into accepting as...

The Sense of an Audience / Keval Arora

  Most discussions – and demonstrations, now that the next edition of the Bharangam is upon us – of what ails contemporary theatre rarely take into account the role of the audience. In an environment where...

Dabbling In Babble / Keval Arora

      Tim Supple’s Production of Shakespeare’s Mid Summer Nights Dream is currently touring India. Keval Arora takes on Supple for his comments (made earlier) on Indian Theatre and multicultural collaboration.   What is it about multilingualism...

The Competition Virus / Keval Arora

    Who Wins ? As one bleakly contemplates the prospect of yet another theatre season at the university getting under way with the IIT Delhi festival in a couple of weeks, two comments...

For Whom Nobels Toll / Keval Arora

  Harold Pinter Harold Pinter passed away on 24 December 2008. He was 78 and had been undergoing treatment for liver cancer. Like most Nobel prizes for Literature, the choice of the British playwright Harold Pinter has...

A Matter of Applause / Keval Arora

    Suspense! – Will They or Won’t They? A critical difference between live and recorded performances (those in cinema or television) can be seen in the way we respond to them. Namely, in...