Category: Prose


The Forbidden Fruit of today: CLOSURE / Ojaswini Trivedi

We spend years and years trying to find answers to the half spoken sentences and mid-air collapsed promises. The night teases us to insomnia, trying to replay the tape of those incidents, moments, gestures. What could have been, what should have We spend years and years trying to find answers to the half spoken sentences and mid-air collapsed promises. The night teases us to insomnia, trying to replay the tape of those incidents, moments, gestures. What could have been, what should have been. Were we real then

. Were we real then?

Staring in the Subway

A Chilling Short Story from London Staring in the Subway by Manasvi Gautam “Subway” (from Ruckus Manhattan), 1976– Red Grooms A woman had been through a long and hard day at the office and...