Tringsha Shatabdee is an anti-war laboratory-theatre production based on the atom-bomb tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War. Other wars of the world including Bosnia, Afghanistan-Iraq, recent brutal attack in Gaza and the liberation war of Bangladesh are also the issues of this production.
The presentation depends only on empty space, physical and mental abilities of the performers, rhythm, gesture, and also multi-dimensional use of portable props like Gamsa, a traditional cloth of Bengal. Tringsha Shatabdee is a much-acclaimed production in Bangladesh.
About The Director
Zahid Repon is one of the most active and promising young theatre activist of Bangladesh. He holds a Masters Degree (Direction) from the Drama and Dramatics Department of Jahangir Nagar University. Now he is a Ph.D Researcher in the same department. Zahid is serving as the Deputy Director of National Institute of Mass Communication (NIMC). He has directed 26 theatre productions. Zahid Repon has been working with theatre for last 29 years as theatre & mime director, actor, trainer, researcher and organiser. He is the founder and Chief Secretary of Swapnadal. He is also the Chairman of Bangladesh Mime Federation, and Secretary (Research & Information) of Bangladesh Group Theatre Federation.