Category: Sections


Neeraj Gupta Wins Silver in Florence Biennale

Sculptor Neeraj  Gupta became the first Indian artist to get the  Lorenzo il Magnifico SILVER  medal in sculpture in XIth Florence Biennale,  the second highest award of  an important art event of Europe.  The award is significant because it comes...

The Poetry Page – LS Bajpai / Antonio Blunda

The Poetry Page Laxmi Shanker Bajpai Those People Those were the people who with tiny boxes filled with fine sugar would go in search of anthills They would scatter seeds on terraces for birds...

Islam, Aesthetics and Postcolonialism

Book Mark  Book Review and Book Launch Coverage By Divya Raina A well-attended panel discussion at the India International Centre Annexe held last month (December 23, 2008) more than made up for my disappointment...

Staring in the Subway

A Chilling Short Story from London Staring in the Subway by Manasvi Gautam “Subway” (from Ruckus Manhattan), 1976– Red Grooms A woman had been through a long and hard day at the office and...

Recovering the Republic

Recovering the Republic Anisha Shekhar Mukherji                                                    1.Plastic Salt Container,...