Category: Poetry


Forget me not| Ojaswini Trivedi

As the rays of your beam Transcend through our sheets The creases collapsing with time One after the other,He, after himafter you The blinding intoxicating powerA touch, innocent, eternal A smile, banished, surrendered Will...

Erebus and I / Ojaswini Trivedi

Who saves us? What protects us? Or are we just living our lives with the illusion of being protected. Of being saved. Hurt is the chalice of nothingness, writhing through the voiceless screams. The...

The Poetry Page – LS Bajpai / Antonio Blunda

The Poetry Page Laxmi Shanker Bajpai Those People Those were the people who with tiny boxes filled with fine sugar would go in search of anthills They would scatter seeds on terraces for birds...