Bookmark: New Age Theories for Architectural Practice by Prof. Sagar Desai

About the Book
This book is based on the practical aspects of Architectural Profession in India, which the students in their final year of Bachelor of Architecture must understand before being exposed to the professional world. This book throws light on various topics in a concise form with simplified understanding. Some of the topics like banking and introduction to financial markets etc. are also included to help the students understand the system of monetary circulation.
The Book has received appreciation from teachers and students alike:
Good to read! Students are finding it engrossing and readable. It highlights important aspects and contemporary developments in the subject. Some readers of the subject have described it as a ready-reckon-er for the students and budding professionals.
Author had made sure that book covers all essential topics. Its a comprehensive compilation of the entire syllabus and very easy to understand. Topics covered are like a to-do list for a young professional:
Chapter 1 Role of an Architect.
Chapter 2 Duties, Powers and Functions of Architects.
Chapter 3 Professional Works & Scale of Charges.
Chapter 4 Valuation & Introduction of banking & Financial Markets.
Chapter 5 Contracts, Tenders & introduction to Easements.
Chapter 6 Opening an Architect`s Office, from Small to Mid-Size.

About the Author
Prof. Sagar Desai is currently working as an Associate Professor, at P P Savani University, Surat. He graduated from SCET (Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology), Surat and pursued his Post Graduation from CEPT University, Ahmedabad. He is also an IGBC-AP (Indian Green Building Council-Accredited Professional). With an extensive experience in academia & as a professional he has also contributed at Calcutta Riverside Project. As a researcher his area of interest is smart cities and published many papers on the same. He is actively involved in Institutional Consultancy Projects at various places and also in the board of certain international institutes for research paper reviews. Not only this he has also pursued PG Diploma in Urban Planning and Environmental Development & Sustainability. He is in continues process of knowledge gaining and sharing through workshops and lecture series like GICEA (The Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects).
Preface by the Author
It gives me great pleasure to introduce this book for Architecture students studying Professional Practice. Often, I have observed that the professor in the class keeps talking about contracts although he may be explaining it very well but the students does not seem to understand. After thorough introspection I realized that its now time to add few more topics to the entire subject like, to understand contract and its formation better. One needs to understand what a company is? What banking and financial markets are? This is an effort where utmost care is taken to be precise, to the point and include only what an architect is required to understand. The main audiences of this book are students studying Professional Practice in their final year. Many difficult topics are simplified. This is an effort by an architect for the upcoming architects to understand the scenario better.
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