Manohar Khushalani: Water and Environmental Profile
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Er. Manohar Khushalani has designed dams and hydraulic structures for the Government of India. He is a programmer and has developed Engineering design software in Fortran. He is a co-author of Irrigation Practice & Design (Vol 1 to5 – 1500 pages) published by Oxford & IBH and sponsored by National Book Trust. He has been a Director, Environment and Sociology, at the National Water Academy, Khadakwasla and Director, Environment Management Directorate, Central Water Commission and Member Secretary, National Environmental Monitoring Committee for River Valley Projects. He was also Director of Instrumentation Directorate in the Dam Safety Organisation. Dy. Director Concrete and Masonary Dams Directorate and Hydraulic Gates and Control Structure Directorate. He was Chief General Manager and Head of Water Resources at Scott Wilson and is an accredited consultant with numerous other organizations
Having been in Design & Research Wing of Central water Commission he has been involved in a humongous number of Water Resources projects. The following is a list of projects he has dealt with in some capacity or the other:
- Agra Barrage (UP)
- Anoopgarh Mini H.E. PROJECT – PH.I & II(Rajasthan)
- Bengali Dam Project (Orissa)
- Bethali Irrigation Project (Rajasthan)
- Bina Multipurpose Project (MP)
- Bisalpur Irrigation Project (Rajasthan)
- Chhapi Irrigation Project (Rajasthan)
- Deogaon Barrage (Orissa)
- Daulatpura Weir (Gujarat)
- Designs of Spillway bridge, Indravati and Muran Dams
- Dhumkar Project (J&K)
- Dihang Dam Project
- Dihang Multi Purpose Project (Arunachal Pradesh)
- Dudhi Irrigation Project (MP)
- Gulab Sagar Project (MP)
- Gulabsagar Mahan Project (MP)
- Hathnikund Barrage (Haryana)
- Igo Mercelong Project (J&K)
- Indira Sagar Project MP
- Indravati Dam (Orissa)
- Jahangirpuri Outfall (Delhi)
- Kargil Mini Hydel Project (J&K)
- Kopili H.E. Project (Assam) Ph-II
- Lower Wardha Project (Maharashtra)
- Marpochoo Micro Hydel Scheme
- Muran Dam (Orissa),
- Najafgarh Drain (Delhi)
- North Koel H.E. Project
- Ottu Weir (Haryana)
- Panchana Dam
- Panchet Tail Pool dam (DVC)
- Parvati Dam (Rajasthan)
- Pathrala Barrage (Haryana)
- Rajghat Dam (MP)
- Ranganadi H.E. Project (Arunanchal Pradesh)
- Ravi Canal, Gambhir Dam (MP)
- Salal HE Project (J&K)
- Salma Project (Afghanistan)
- Sardar Sarovar HE Project (Gujarat)
- Sedawgi Project (Myanmar)
- Sewa Hydel Project (J&K)
- Shakar Chiktan Project (J&K)
- Sisri Project (Arunachal Pradesh)
- Sindol H.E. Project (Orissa)
- Som Kamla Amba Irrigation Project (Rajasthan)
- Suratgarh Mini Hydel Project (Rajasthan)
- Tail Pool Dam – (PAN-CHET) (Damodar Valley Corporation)
- Tapar Dam (Gujarat)
- Tehri Dam (Uttaranchal)
- Upper Indravati Project, Orissa
- Upper Kolab Project (Orissa)
- Upper Sindh HE Project (J&K)
- Wazirabad Barrage (Delhi)
PART I Water and Environment
- Environment management & sociological aspects of water
- Hydraulic gates & structures design drawings specifications of fixed wheel gates, sliding gates, radial gates, gate bridges, hoists, etc.
- Dams – Concrete & Masonry / Earth & Rockfill – design, drawings, specifications of masonry & concrete dams, spillways, spillway bridges, piers, retaining walls, energy dissipation, foundation treatment, etc.
- Barrages design, drawings, specifications of barrages with gravity & raft foundations, undersluices, spillways, piers, bridges, protection works, siphons, etc.
- Instrumentation in Hydraulic structures to monitor their safety and behaviour.
- Software Development and Programming
- Teaching in a broad range: Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Water, Environment, Management, Personality Building, Theatre, Animation, Media and Journalism etc
COMPETENCY COVERS (Computer Programming & Applications)
- In Fortran & Basic indigenously developed the following engineering design software which reduced the man hours that CWC engineers spent in designing the Dams
- Stability analysis of Non Overflow Dam
- Stability analysis of Overflow Dam
- Dynamic analysis of a Dam by Chopra’s Method
- Upgraded in-house programs on Hydraulic Gate Design, Barrage Raft Design, & Flood Routing
- Have also had a good working knowledge of Low & High End & Main frame software such as:
- Nastran (NASA) for 3D Structural Modelling & Finite Element Analysis
- I-DEAS(IntegratedDesign and Engineering Analysis Software) for 3D Structural Modelling & Finite Element Analysis
- Staad Pro for Design of Concrete & Steel Structures
- PAFEC PC DOGS CAD (Design Office Drawings System)
- SESAM 80(Super Element Structural Analysis Modules) on HP Mainframe
- Autocad, 3ds Max and Maya for 2D/3D Modelling and Animation
- Frontpage for Web Design
- Photoshop, Gimp, Inkscape and Fireworks for Graphics
- Pagemaker for DTP
- MS Projects for Project Management
EDUCATION: B.E. (Civil), BITS, Pilani
2006 Management Development National Water Academy, Khadakwasla
2005 Trainer in Theatre & Culture of Civilisations UNESCO, International Theatre Institute
2002/03 Visual Basic Software Technology Group International Ltd., Delhi
2001 FEM & 3D Modelling IIT, Delhi
1983 Finite Element Analysis IIT, Delhi
1982 Film Appreciation Film & Television Institute of India, Pune
- Refreshers Course on Hydraulic Gates & Control Structures, held at CWC from 20th Jan’76 – 7th Feb’76.
- Short Term Course on Finite Element Method of Analysis organised by Civil Engineering Dept. , I.I.T, Delhi from 21st Jun’82 to 31st Jul’82.
- Course on Numerical Analysis & Computer Programming, held at CWC from 31st Aug’82 to 21st Sep’82.
- Short 5 day Course on:
- Time Sharing & File Management System on NIC’s NEC SYS 1000 in May 1986
- Introduction to PCs at NIC in 1987
- Computer Aided Drafting using DOGS software at NIC from 14th – 18th March 1988.
- Indian Geotechnical Conference – 1997, conducted by IGS, Vadodra. Chapter, held at M.S. University, Vadodra, from 17th to 21st December 1997.
- Underwent training in World Bank’s Transfer of Technology Program conducted in New Delhi by M/s Harza, USA, on the following topics during 1998.
- Civil Structures (2 weeks)
- Hydraulic Transients (2 weeks)
- Rock Mechanics (2 weeks)
- Advanced Structural Analysis by FEM (4 weeks)
- Training Course on Geological Investigation and Foundation Treatment of River Valley Projects from 7th to 11th August 2000 at CWC.
- Joint R&D Session of INCH & INCOH at CSMRS, Delhi, on 24th & 25th October 2002.
- Advance Training in Ideas Software conducted by DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon, from 23rd to 30th January 2003.
- National Seminar on Dam Safety organised by NHPC and Naptha Jhakri Power Corporation at Grand Hotel, Delhi on 24th April, 2002
- Seminar on Enviromnment at DY Patil Colloege, Chinchwad in 2004
- Co-Chairperson for workshop on ‘Water Quality’ held at NWA in 2006
- Participated in Management Development Program held at NWA, Pune in 2006
- Attended Meetings of:
- INCH and INCOH as a delegate and was a reporter in one of the special session at CSMRS, Delhi.
- IT enabling group, MOWR at CWPRS, Pune in 2001
- Took Training in
- Use of HP-9350-330 and Unix from 21st to 23rd February 1989 at CWC
- Advanced Analysis using Finite Element Techniques at IIT, Delhi from 20th November to 8th December 2001.
- Win2K Server at CDAC, Hauz Khas in Feb-March 2003
- Visual Basic by STG International Ltd., New Delhi from 15th to 22nd January 2003.
- Attended Technical Lectures conducted by:
- Indian Geotechnical Society (Delhi Chapter) conducted at CSMRS 2007-2008.
- Sankalp (CWC Chapter) on following topics during 2007-2008.
- Working Stress vs Limit State Past Practices and Future Challenges in C.W.C.
- Failure of Penstock at Godavri Lift Irrigation Project (A.P.)
- Dam Safety Paradigm of India
- Lateral Thinking
- Issues and Challenges of Water Resources Sector of India
- Attended National Workshop on sustainable sanitation 19, 20 May’08 – New Delhi. Conducted by Ministry of Rural Development.
- Attended one day Workshop on Floating Powerhouse conducted by M/s K.S. Hypersonic in October 2008
- Attended International Conference on Food Security in SAARC in March, 2009 held at India Habitat Center , New Delhi
- Participated in ‘Open Frame 2009’ on Gender, Politics, Conflict and Peace conducted by Public Service Broadcasting Trust in partnership with Prasar Bharti 11-17 September 2009.
- Attended 1st Habitat Summit on ‘Alternate Urban Futures for India’ September 24-26
- Attended ‘National Conference on Cost Effective Sustainable Sanitation – An Indian Experience’ at India Habitat Center from June 28th to 30th 2010
- Seminar on ‘Implications of Infrastructure Development In Tibet’ on Thursday, 22 July 2010 at Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS)
- ‘Opportunities for Global Partnership between India and Japan—Infrastructure, the Environment, and Finance’ organized by ICRIER in collaboration with JBIC on 13-14 September, 2010 at Claridges Hotel, New Delhi
- International conference on ‘International Cooperation in Times of Global Crisis: Views from G20 Countries’ on 16 September, 2010 at India Habitat Center
- Participated in ICRIER’s ‘Strategic & Economic Capacity Building Programme – Advance Briefing on Critical, Strategic & Economic Issues’ held at IHC from November 8 to 20, 2010 and Chaired the session on Hydro Power
- International Water Convention of India Water Forum (IWF) on `Water Security and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities’ at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi from 13-15 April 2011.
- Third annual international conference on “Global Cooperation for Sustainable Growth and Development: Views from G20 Countries” organized by ICRIER and its partner organizations on September 13-14, 2011 at the Gulmohar Hall of India Habitat Centre
- Fourth Dr. B. Lall Memorial Lecture on “Duty of Care and Ethical Issues in Finance” delivered by Prof. David Vines, Professor of Economics and Fellow, Balliol College, Oxford University, on September 15, 2011 at Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre
- Participated in ICRIER’s ‘Strategic & Economic Capacity Building Programme – Advance Briefing on Critical, Strategic & Economic Issues’ held at IHC from Oct 31st to Nov 12th 2011 and Chaired the sessions on:
- Responding to Climate Change; the State of Play in International Negotiations
- Dangers of Protectionism: The current status of the multilateral trade regime, and scenarios for future evolution, bilateralism and regionalism as alternatives
Projects undertaken: 2D & 3D FEM Analysis of Indravati Dam at NIC,
3d FEM analysis at CWC of:
Bethali Dam, Tala Dam & Ranganadi Dam piers
- Indian Geotechnical Society 8Indian Society of Rock Mechanics & Tunnelling Technology
- Indian Environmental Society 8Indian Water Resources Society
- Canal Automation 8Hydraulic Gates
- Finite Element Method of Analysis 8Instrumentation of Dams
- IT enabling Group, MOWR 8Instrumentation Review Committee, Ranjit Sagar Dam
- Experts Group, Rihand Dam
Expertise in:
- Strategy Planning & Execution 8Policy & Decision Making
- Establishing & Re-engineering Set ups 8Spearheading Operations
- Managing Multinational / Corporate relationships 8Policy Research
Spearheaded operations, Recognized & known in the Indian industry for many innovative concepts, strategic approach and industry benchmarking over the years. Successful completion of several projects, some of them are as follows:
- Sedawgi Project (Myanmar) 8Shakar Chiktan Project (J&K)
- Salal Dam (J&K) 8Panchet Tail Pool Dam (DVC)
- Indravati Project (Orissa) 8Tala Project (Bhutan)
- Kargil Mini Hydel Project (J&K)
- Igo Mercelong Project (J&K)
- Tehri Dam (Uttarakhand)
(see the detailed list further into the document)
Significantly contributed to the Design of Dams, Dam Safety, Hydraulic Structures, Irrigation and Power Projects, Water Conservation and Environmental Issues, Hydraulic gates & structures designs. Ensured excellence through up-gradation of facilities to revive international service standards. Blessed with practical & focused approach to achieve organisation goals & coupled with inter personal & communication, analytical & presentation skills. Committed to creating awareness and administering experience enriched knowledge to upcoming engineers and professionals.
As a co-author penned down “Irrigation Practice & Design” in 5 volumes published by Oxford & IBH and sponsored by the National Book Trust
Formerly Senior Consultant
ICRIER (Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations)
Scott Wilson India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Joint Advisor
Central Board of Irrigation & Power,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 21
Chief General Manager, Water Resource
Head HR & Administration
Scott Wilson India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Association with Indian Govt. (over 35 yrs)
May’71 – Dec’06 Director: Environment Management Directorate: Central Water Commission & Member Secretary, National Environmental Monitoring Committee for River Valley Project,
Director: Environment & Sociology National Water Academy, Pune
Director: Instrumentation, Dam Safety Organisation, CWC
- Deputy Director, Concrete & Masonry Dams
- Deputy Director, Hydraulic Gates Design
- Director, Environment Impact Assessment
- Director, Dam Safety Rehabilitation
- Director, Foundation Engineering
- Director, Software Management
- CGM, Head HR & Administration (Scott Wilson)
Before Joining Indian Govt.
Aug’68 – May’71 Consultant, SRC Ltd, Tappar Dam for Kandla Port, Clerk of Works, Kothari & Associates / Mehta Gandhi and associates
Advisor, Scott Wilson India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Consultant, Water & Power Consultancy Services. Gurgaon
Consultant, Synergics Hydro (India) Pvt. Ltd. Noida – 201301, India
Senior Consultant, Institute of Geoinformatics
S 205 IInd Floor, Raksha Towers, Chunabhatti Main Road Bhopal – 462016, India
Visiting Faculty. Central Board of Irrigation & Power,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 21
(Continued to Teach after resigning as Jt. Advisor)
More on Manohar Khushalani –
Brief Profile
Actor/Director Profile