A Bird’s Eye View By Choiti Ghosh
The play dates back to the era where there were no telephones or telegraph machines and pigeons were the only resort, efficiently delivering messages from one place to another in times of peace and war.
Choiti Ghosh portrays one such war pigeon – Milu. From the time of his birth, throughout his training, during his moments with friends and his mate, Milu has one over-riding mission – to successfully deliver the message. This is the story of his journey, and the story of our world as seen through Milu’s eyes. A view that is sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic and sometimes plain ridiculous; of a world that Milu doesn’t completely understand, but is forced to be a part of.
The idea of little creatures caught in much bigger games is the central idea of the play.
Object Theatre, key element behind the play has been used to transcend boundaries and taboos.
The story hands the power over to the audience to fill-in-the-blanks with their own interpretations
About The Director
Choiti Ghosh is an Object Theatre practitioner, puppeteer, actor and singer. She worked in alternative education with the well-known educationist Prof. A.K. Jalaluddin; besides performing with various theatre companies in India including Habib Tanvir’s ‘Naya Theatre’, Ashish Ghosh’s ‘Anant’ in Delhi, Sunil Shanbag’s ‘Arpana’ in Mumbai and various others.
In 2004, Choiti was initiated into puppetry by Anurupa Roy’s Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust. In 2010 she trained in Object Theatre under the well-known Belgian Object Theatre artiste Agnes Limbos at the I France and found herself hooked! In 2011 she started Tram Theatre with like-minded colleagues with the vision to specialise in Object Theatre in India.