Antonio Blunda
Born in Erice (Tp) on 26.02.1972, I live in Palermo. I started writing poetry around the age of eight, but the great passion for literature exploded during classical high school. From the age of thirty I also started writing short stories and aphorisms. I graduated in Law and practiced as a lawyer, specializing in civil matters. I am happily married, and the father of a three-year-old girl.
Author present on the Italian-Argentine magazine “Agorà magazine”. Mention of merit at the 26th International Prize for Unpublished Poetry 2001 organized by the A.S.L.A. (Sicilian Association for Letters and Arts);
Achievements in last two years
Italian author present in the international literary magazine “Azahar” n.109 (2021);
Mention by the Jury for the Short Fiction section, for the short story “The Miracle of Trivalieri”, at the XXVIII Edition Love Literature Award, organized by the Center for Culture and Society Studies of Turin. (2021);
Overall winner 1st place at the “Bombagiù” Literary-Journalistic Prize, with the text “An ordinary day” (2021);
Author present in the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Poets vol. 3rd, for the 2021 Web Award dedicated to the Shoah (2021);
SPECIAL JURY PRIZE “for poetry, at the 27th National Literary Prize” Ossi di seppia 2021;
Finalist and selected author for the anthology of the Literary Competition Favole e Fiabe 2021 “, with the story-tale” Drømme enheden “for the Historica Edizioni (2021);
Mention of merit at the XVIII Literary Competition “Morning will come and will have your verse – Poems of love” (2021);
Finalist and Diploma of Excellence for the literary value of the work, at the International Literary Prize “GOLDEN PAGES OF ITALIAN POETRY – 2021”;
Finalist for the Poetry section at the International Literary Prize of the San Valentino Borgo Garibaldi Association “I love more” – 5th edition 2021;
Special Mention of the Jury, at the International Literary Prize “Napoli Cultural Classic” XVIth, Edition 2021, for the narrative section, with the story-tale “Dromme Enheden”;
Mention of Merit for the Sect. Italian, at the Poetry Competition “I love more” 2021;
Finalist and selected author for the anthology “to my father – 2021” with the letter “My promise”;
Finalist author, selected for the poetic anthology of the literary competition “Morning will come and will have your own verse – Poems of love” – Aletti Editore 2021;
1st place overall winner of the Literary Prize “Una poesia per Giulia”, organized by the Brignone Academy, with the poem dedicated to my daughter, “I chose to give you to the world” (2021);
Special Prize “The pearl of the Tyrrhenian”, section Poetry in Italian, at the 6th EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION OF POETRY AND NARRATIVE CITY OF CEFALU ‘(2021);
Finalist at the literary prize “Six-word stories” – Ivvy editore (2021);
2nd place finalist, sect. Poetry, in the first round of the International literary competition “il pennino d’oro 2021”;
Special Mention at the National Poetry Prize “Versi in Abbazia” – 3rd ed., Municipality of Badia Polesine 2021;
Finalist 1st classified for the Italian fiction section, at the International Literary Prize Bormio Contea 2021;
2nd place at the “Renato Tulliola Filippelli” World Literary Prize – XXVII Edition 2021, for the unpublished narrative section, with the short story “The piano”;
Winner of the first edition of the “Io Scrivo” Literary Prize, published by Kepown, for the Italian fiction section;
Mention of Merit at the II International Competition “La Panchina dei Versi” 2021;
Selected author and finalist for the “Ideobook 2021” Award, section Italian poetry, with the lyric “I chose to give you to the world”;
Selected author and finalist for the “Alda Merini 2021” Literary Prize, section Italian poetry, with the lyric “Ennesimo Parallelo”;
Finalist in the literary contest “Il Pennino d’oro” 2021, for Italian poetry (2022);
Serigrafisud Prize at the fifth edition of the literary art competition “IL SABATO DEL VILLAGGIO” – Art, emotions and melodies in verse, narrative section – short stories, with the short story “Drømme enheden” (2022);
Author selected for the “Habere Artem” XXII edition, the Aletti Editore, sect. Italian poetry, with the lyric “Io non chiedo che te” (2022);
6th place in the Literary Contest “Il Pennino d’oro” 2022;
Author selected for the anthology “Between a cultivated flower and the other donated” with the lyric “the mother” – Aletti Editore 2022;
Poet chosen by the Carabinieri, present with the lyric “Prayer to the Carabinieri” in the volume of the “Armarcord” (2022);
Certificate of merit for the Italian poetry section, at the “Dario Perri” Award, III edition 2022;
Mention of Merit at the XVIII Unpublished Poetry Competition “Between a cultivated flower and the other donated”, Ed. 2022;
Mention of Merit at the XXII International Competition of Unpublished Poetry “Habere Artem”, Ed. 2022;
Poet selected for the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Poets (Aletti Editore) 2022;
Mention of Merit, Italian poetry section, at the Competition “The morning will come and it will have your verse – Poems of Love” 19th edition Aletti Editore 2022;
“ERATO AWARD” – narrative section – with the fantastic story “Malagrino and Elidora”, at the Fifth National Literary Art Prize “LOSING IN LOVE” 2022;
Selected author for the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Poets vol. 9 by the poets Antonio Barracato and Francesco Billeci (2022);
Special Jury Prize AT THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION OF POETRY AND NARRATIVE CITY OF CEFALU ‘for the section in vernacular, with the lyric “Sicunni eterni” (2022);
3rd place for the poetry in dialect section at the International Poetry and Narrative Competition “Women in the world” (Le vie dei Mulini) (2022);
Poet selected at the 17th International Competition of Unpublished Poetry “Dedicated to … Poems to remember” created by Aletti Editore for the World Poetry Day (2022);
Finalist in the first edition of the “GIUSEPPE UNGARETTI” competition, dialect poetry section (2022);
Mention of Merit at the 5th Edition of the LiteralMonte 2022 Literary Competition;
2nd place for the dialectal poetry section at the National Literary Award “Giuseppe Ungaretti (Ass. Sharing Poesia) 2022;
Author selected in the online contest “the pleasure of telling” for the very short stories section, inspired by a painting – May 2022;
Finalist and winner of the contest “The Book of People” – poetic edition 2022, for the poetry section;
Certificate of merit for the fairy tale “the little king” at the eighth edition of the Little Giorgia Russo Creative Writing Competition “A fairy tale is forever” (2022);
First place at the 10th International Literary-Poetic Award Asas 2022, narrative section, with the story “Caterina’s Christmas” (2022);
Third place in the “Marco Di Meola” National Poetry Award – Third Edition 2021, Italian poetry section (2022);
Author selected for the anthology “Sicilian Tales 2022” Historica Edizioni (2022);
Honorable mention for the poetry section at the Literary Prize Gargano IV Edition 2022;
1st place winner of the Navarro International Award 2022, XIII Edition – VI Conference of Navarrian Studies, for the narrative section (2022);
Honorable mention at the 5th Capitanata Prize 2022, for the poetry section in Italian;
Author present in volume 10 of the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Poets dedicated to the Holy Mary of Romitello (2022);
Author present in volume 11 of the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Poets dedicated to Maria Saladino (2022);
Winner of the “green marble” award in the section “Ruggero’s city – poetry in Italian”, at the International Literary Competition “web award – green marble 2022”;
Author selected by Aletti Editore for the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Italian Poets and Writers (2022);
Author selected for the Anthology of the Literary Prize “The call of Lovecraft”, fiction section (2022);
Author selected for the literary anthology at the “Voci di Notte” literary competition for unpublished works, dedicated to the theme “Beauty”. Unpublished narrative section (2022);
Author selected for the literary anthology at the National Poetry Competition ‘City of Chiaramonte Gulfi – Sygla Award’, dialect section (2022);
Author selected for the Register of Contemporary Italian Poets and Writers (2022);
Honorable mention at the Capitanata Poesie 2022 Award, for the poetry section in dialect (2022);
Finalist at the “Voices in the Desert” Literary Prize, poetry section in Italian (2022);
Plaque of merit for the Mega Recital of Poems “Faith is gathered”, Borgetto (Pa) 2022:
Author Selected for the national anthology “Letters to our children” (2022);
Author selected for the anthological volume of the competition “Dedicated to… World Poetry Day”, poetry section in Italian, Aletti Editore (2022);
Finalist for the poetry section in Italian at the 5th Literary Contest “the autumn that will come” – Poeti 2000 Poetry in the world (2022);
Winner of the literary contest “Dream Stories – Dream Travels” 2022, short narrative section (2022);
Writer selected at the artistic and cultural event “Literary Walk in the English Garden of Palermo” 2022, for fiction (2022);