Monthly Archive: March 2008


HOLLYWOOD DIARY – Colonel Kurtz vs. Moses

HOLLYWOOD DIARY Colonel Kurtz vs. Moses by Naveen Gupta If destiny were femme fatale that lures fate, then passing away of 84 years old Charlton Heston on 5th April 2008 out of Alzheimer related...


HOLLYWOOD  DIARY The Man Who Came In From The Radio An Insight on  Life and Times of Orson Welles by Naveen Gupt 1.In a recording studio, 1938            2. As...

The Benefit of Doubt

T H E    B E N E F I T    O F    D O U B T (written in 1993 – way before the cyber-era) by Dr. Reshma I could hardly wait to get...

Keval Arora’s Kolumn – Summer Whine

 Keval Arora’s Kolumn Summer Whine             When summer comes, can summer theatre workshops be far behind?’ is a question that the English poet Shelley could well have asked, had he been in Delhi this...